Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This is a re-post of my Facebook note from July 6, 2009:

We go back to Dallas this Friday (July 10) for a PET scan & doctor's visit. We hope and expect that to go well. Just before we left to come home last time, the doc "casually" mentioned radiation. Ugh, we were expecting that if he is all clear now, that this would be the last treatment. So we may be going to Abilene daily after this visit. Usually radiation lasts from 2-6 weeks with Mon-Fri daily treatments. Phew! That's a lot of driving an hour each way. Of course you can tell I am a little deflated at this prospect, but ultimately I will do everything I can for Curtis to get better!!

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As you may know, Curtis has been feeling a little better very gradually over the last month since we returned home. Mom took him out for lunch on his birthday. He was still not feeling great then, but he was excited to go eat some Mexican food! We've had some brief visits to Mom's to see Randy & Carson in the last couple of weeks. But the big outing was on the 4th, when he felt well enough to go out to the lake with us to see the fireworks! We hope that things only go up from here!

More news when we get back from Dallas! Love to everyone! Liz

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